Boyu Chang

Boyu Chang

Ph.D. student in Computer Science and Technology

Zhejiang University

About Me

I am a Ph.D. student of Computer Science and Technology at Network SystEm Security & PrivAcy (NESA) Research Lab. I earned my bachelor's degree in Information Security from Zhejiang University in 2022.

I've published a collection of top-tier publications, which supports efficient keyword searching. Hope it benefits your research!

Recent News

  • [09/11/2024] Our paper was accepted by IEEE S&P 2025!
  • [07/10/2023] Our paper was accepted by IEEE S&P 2024!
  • System Security
  • Binary Analysis
  • Ph.D. student in Computer Science and Technology, Expected 2027

    Zhejiang University

  • B.Eng. in Information Security, 2022

    Zhejiang University


(2024). FirmRCA: Towards Post-Fuzzing Analysis on ARM Embedded Firmware with Efficient Event-based Fault Localization. IEEE S&P 2025, CCF-A.

(2023). SyzTrust: State-aware Fuzzing on Trusted OS Designed for IoT Devices. IEEE S&P 2024, CCF-A.

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Zhejiang University
Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science and Technology
March 2024 – Present Hangzhou
Currently researching on fault localization.
Zhejiang University
Master student in Computer Science and Technology
September 2022 – March 2024 Hangzhou
Excellent Graduate Student, Excellent Student Cadre
Zhejiang University
Bachelor's degree in Information Security
September 2018 – June 2022 Hangzhou
Outstanding Graduate of the University, Excellent Graduate of Zhejiang Province.


Feel free to email me at any time!